
adelanto 1 m. progress, advancement. 2 advance; de- posit. 3 adelantos pl. advances. adelgazamiento m. slimming. adelgazante 1 adj. weight-reducing, slimming. 2 m. slimming product. adelgazar 1 v. to slim down; to make thin/slender; to lose weight, grow thin. 2 adelgazarse to grow thin, lose weight. ademán m. gesture. además 1 adv. furthermore, also, in addition; what’s more, besides: y ~, me dijo que no me quería, and what’s more, he told me he didn’t love me. 2 loc.: ~ de, as well as, apart from. adenda f. end matter. adentrarse v. to go into, get inside, penetrate: ~ en la selva, to go deeper into the forest. adentro 1 adv. inside. 2 pl. adentros innermost being, innermost thoughts: dijo para sus ~s, he said to himself. adepto, ta 1 adj. adept. 2 m., f. follower, supporter; R elig adept, initiate. aderezar 1 v. to season, garnish, prepare (food); to dress (salad). 2 to embellish, adorn. aderezo 1 m. seasoning; dressing. 2 preparation, dec- oration. 3 set of jewelry. adeudar v. to owe; {impuestos} to be liable for. adherencia 1 f. adherence; adhesion. 2 bond. 3 {au- tomóvil} grip, road holding. adherir 1 irr. v. [conj. 42] to adhere, stick. 2 adherirse to adhere, stick. 3 loc.: ~se a, to follow; to join, be- come a member of sth. adhesión 1 f. adhesion; joining. 2 loyalty, support. adhesivo, va adj. adhesive. adicción f. addiction: ~ a las drogas, drug addiction. adición f. addition. adicional adj. additional. adicionar 1 v. to add. 2 M ath to add, add up. adictivo, va adj. addictive. adicto, ta 1 adj. addicted. 2 devoted. adicto m., f. addict: los ~s a la heroína, heroin addicts.  adiestrador  m., f. trainer. adiestramiento m. training. adiestrar v. to train. adinerado, da adj. moneyed, wealthy. adiós interj. also m. goodbye, bye. adiposo, sa adj. fatty, adipose. aditamento m. complement, addition; accessory. adivinación f. guessing, guesswork. b) prediction. adivinador m., f. fortune-teller; guesser. adivinanza f. riddle. adivinar v. to guess; to foretell, predict. adivino m., f. fortune-teller. adjetivo, va adj. adjectival. adjetivo m. adjective. adjudicar 1 v. to award. 2 adjudicarse to claim, ap- propriate; to win: ~ el premio, to win the prize. adjuntar 1 v. C omp to attach. 2 to enclose. adjunto, ta 1 adj. enclosed; attached: archivo ~, at- tachment. 2 assistant, deputy, associate: profesor ~, associate professor. adjunto 1 m., f. associate. 2 C omp attachment. adminículo m. accessory, gadget. administración 1 f. administration; management, running: consejo de ~ , board of directors; ~ de em- presas , business administration, business studies. 2 manager’s office. administrador m., f. manager, administrator. administrar 1 v. to manage, run. 2 to administer, give. 3 administrarse to manage one’s own affairs. administrativo, va adj. administrative. administrativo m., f. administrative assistant or officer. admirable adj. admirable. admiración 1 f. admiration; amazement, wonder. 2 loc.: signo de ~, exclamation mark. admirador, dora m., f. admirer. admirar 1 v. to admire. 2 to amaze, astonish : me ad- mira tu ingenuidad, your ingenuity amazes me. 3 ad- mirarse to be amazed, be astonished. admisible adj. admissible, acceptable. admisión 1 f. admission. 2 M ec intake, inlet: válvula de ~, inlet valve. admitir 1 v. to accept; to admit. 2 to hold: el teatro admite 50 personas, the theater holds 50 people. admonición f. admonition, warning. ADN m. see ácido desoxirribonucleico. adobar 1 v. to season. 2 to pickle. 3 to tan (leather). adobe m. adobe, sun-dried brick. adobo 1 m. marinade; pickle. 2 tanning. adoctrinamiento m. indoctrination. adoctrinar v. to indoctrinate. adolecer 1 irr. v. [conj. 3] to suffer from: el informe adolece de errores , the report contains or has many mistakes. 2 to become ill. adolescencia f. adolescence. adolescente adj. adolescent. adolescente m., f. teenager. b) M ed adolescent. adolorido, da adj. sore, hurt; pained. adonde adv. where, to which place. adónde adv. where: ¿~ vamos?, where are we going? adondequiera adv. wherever. adonis m. Adonis, beautiful youth. adopción f. adoption; {nacionalidad} adoption, taking. adoptar 1 v. to adopt; 2 {decisión, postura, naciona- lidad} to adopt, to take. adoptivo, va adj. {padres} adoptive. b) adopted. adoquín m. paving stone. adorable adj. adorable. adoración f. adoration; worship. adorador m. worshipper. adorado, da adj. beloved; worshipped. adorar 1 v. to adore. 2 to worship. adormecer 1 irr. v. [conj. 3] to put to sleep, to make sleepy. 2 to numb. 3 adormecerse to become sleepy; to fall asleep. b) {pierna/mano} to go numb. adormecido, da 1 adj. sleepy, drowsy. 2 numb. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 8 adelanto