
agricultura f. agriculture, farming: ~ de subsistencia , subsistence farming. agridulce adj. bittersweet. agriera(s) f. LA heartburn. agrietamiento 1 m. cracking. 2 fissure. agrietar v. to crack; {piel} to chap. agrimensor m., f. surveyor. agrimensura f. surveying. agringarse v. LA to adopt US ways. agrio, a 1 adj. sour, tart. 2 fig. bitter, disagreeable. agripado, da adj. A nd ill with influenza. agriparse v. to get the flu, catch a cold. agro m. agriculture; farmland. agroindustria f. agroindustry. agronomía f. agronomy. agrónomo m., f. agronomist. agropecuario, ria adj. agriculture and livestock, farming: política ~, farming policy. agrupación f. group; association. agrupar 1 v. to group, group together; to gather, assemble. 2 agruparse to get into groups; to come together. agua 1 f. water: ~ dulce , fresh water; ~ potable , drinking water; ~s termales , hot springs; hombre al ~ , man overboard; ~ bendita, holy water. 2 aguas f. pl. wa- ters: las ~s del océano/de los ríos , the ocean/river waters; ~s litorales , coastal waters. b) M ed .: ~s am- nióticas , amniotic fluid; rompió ~s , her waters broke. aguacatal m. avocado plantation. aguacate m. avocado. aguacero m. downpour. aguachento adj. A nd , SC watery. aguachirle 1 f. poor-quality wine. 2 watered-down drink. 3 trifle. aguada 1 f. A rt wash: una pintura a la ~ , gouache painting; wash drawing. 2 A gr watering place. aguado, da 1 adj. watered-down; watery. 2 fig. LA weak. aguador m., f. water vendor. aguafiestas m., f. coll. spoilsport, killjoy. aguafuerte 1 f. A rt etching. 2 C hem nitric acid. aguaje m. water hole. aguamala f. A nd jellyfish. aguamanil 1 m. water jug; basin, bowl. 2 water basin. aguanieve f. sleet. aguantable adj. bearable. aguantar 1 v. to bear, endure, put up with. 2 to hold up, sustain. 3 to hold back, restrain. 4 aguantarse to grin and bear it. b) coll. LA to hang on, wait. aguante 1 m. patience. 2 endurance; stamina. aguar 1 v. to water down. 2 coll. to spoil a party. aguardar v. to wait for; to await aguardentoso, sa adj. {voz} hoarse, raucous. aguardiente m. brandy, liquor: ~ de caña, rum. aguarrás m. turpentine. aguatero, ra m., f. water carrier. aguatinta f. A rt aquatint. agudeza 1 f. sharpness. 2 wit, wittiness. 3 witticism. agudizar 1 v. to sharpen. 2 {crisis/situación} to in- tensify, aggravate. 3 agudizarse {enfermedad/situa- ción} to worsen, itensify. agudo, da 1 adj. sharp. 2 clever; witty: la chica es muy ~ , the girl is very clever. 3 high-pitched: tiene una voz muy ~ , she has a very high-pitched voice. 4 {enfer- medad/ángulo/acento} acute. agüero m. omen. aguerrido, da adj. brave; hardened, battle-hardened. aguijón 1 m. goad. 2 Z ool sting. aguijonear v. to goad, prick. águila f. eagle. aguileño, ña adj. aquiline. aguinaldo 1 m. Christmas gift. 2 Christmas bonus. aguja 1 f. needle. 2 hand of watch or compass; {toca- discos} stylus. 3 spire, steeple. 4 agujas f. pl. railroad switch. agujerear v. to pierce. agujero m. hole: ~ negro , black hole. agusanarse v. to become worm-ridden. aguzar v. to sharpen: ~ los oídos , to prick up one’s ears. ah 1 interj. ah! ha! oh! 2 ¿ah? what? ahechar v. to sift, winnow. aherrumbrar v. to rust. ahí 1 adv. {lugar} there: ~ abajo, down there; por ~ , somewhere. 2 {tiempo} de ~ en adelante , from then onwards. 3 LA not so bad: ¿cómo sigue tu madre? - ~, how’s your mother? not so bad. ahijado 1 m. godson; 2 f. goddaughter. ahínco m. eagerness, determination. ahíto, ta adj. sated, gorged. ahogar 1 v. to drown. 2 to suffocate, choke. 3 to muffle, drown out. 4 ahogarse to drown; to drown oneself. ahogo m. breathlessness; suffocation. ahondar 1 v. to deepen, make deeper. 2 to go into detail, study thoroughly. ahora 1 adv. now; just now. 2 loc.: ~ bien , now then; ~ mismo , right now; por ~ , for the time being. ahorcado, da 1 adj. hanged person. 2 m. loc.: el ~, hangman. ahorcar 1 v. to hang. 2 ahorcarse to hang oneself. ahorita 1 adv. LA right now. 2 right away. ahorrador, ra adj. thrifty. ahorrador m. f. saver. ahorrar v. to save. ahorro m. saving, pl. savings. ahuecar v. to hollow out: ~ las manos , to cup one’s hands. ahumado, da adj. smoked. b) {vidrio} tinted. ahumar 1 v. to smoke, cure with smoke. 2 {panal} to smoke out. 3 {pared} to blacken. ahuyentar 1 v. to frighten off/away. 2 {dudas/te- mores, etc.} to dispel. aikido m. aikido. aimará adj. also m., f. Aymara. aindiado, da adj. LA Indian-like, Indian looking. airadamente adv. angrily. airado, da adj. angry. airar v. to anger. airbag m. airbag. aire 1 m. air: al ~ libre , in the open air. 2 appearance: tiene ~ de profesor , he looks like a professor; darse ~s , to put on airs. 3 loc.: ~ acondicionado, air conditioning. airear 1 v. to air; to ventilate. 2 airearse to get some fresh air. airoso, sa adj. graceful: salir ~ , to come through with flying colors. aislacionismo m. isolationism. aislacionista m., f. isolationist. aislado, da adj. isolated. aislamiento 1 m. isolation: ~sensorial, sensory depri- vation. b) loneliness. 2 E lec insulation. aislante 1 adj. insulating. 2 m. insulator. aislar 1 v. to isolate. 2 to cut off. 3 to insulate. ¡ajá! interj. aha!; uh-huh! ajado, da adj. worn; wrinkled. ajar v. to wrinkle, crumple. ajedrecista m., f. chess player. ajedrez m. chess; chess set. 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z agricultura