
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 23 astuto, ta asfixia 1 f. M eD asphyxia: muerte por ~, death by asphyxia. 2 fam. suffocation. asfixiar v. to asphyxiate, suffocate. así 1 adv. thus, so: ~ como , just as; ~ que llegó , as soon as he arrived; ~ que eso fue lo que pasó , so/therefore, that’s what ha- ppened. 2 adj. like that: ~ es la vida , such is life. asiático, ca adj. m. , f. Asian, Asiatic. asiduo, dua adj. assiduous. b) {fre- cuente} regular, frequent. asiento 1 m. seat, chair. 2 c oNt entry. asignación 1 f. assignment, appointment; allocation. 2 allowance; wages. asignar v. to allot, assign. asignatura f. {academia} subject. asilado m. , f. refugee. asilar 1 v. to grant asylum. 2 to put in a home/institution. asilo 1 m. asylum. 2 shelter, refuge. 3 or- phanage, poorhouse, home for the aged. asimilar v. to assimilate, take in, absorb. asimismo 1 adv. likewise. 2 also. asirio, ria adj. tb. m. , f. Assyrian. asistencia 1 f. attendance, presence. 2 help, aid: ~ social , social welfare. asistente 1 m. - f. assistant, helper: ~ social , social worker. 2 {a un evento} attendee, paricipant. 3 M il orderly. 4 pl. audience. asistir 1 v. to attend, be present. 2 {proveer ayuda} to assist, help. asma f. asthma. asmático, ca m., f. tb. adj. asthmatic. asno m. donkey. asociación 1 f. association. 2 society; partnership. asociado m. , f. associate. asociar v. to associate. asolear v. to put in the sun. asomar 1 v. to begin to appear, show. 2 asomarse to lean out to see. asombrar v. to amaze, astonish. asombro m. amazement, astonishment. asombroso, sa adj. amazing, astonishing. asomo m. sign, indication: ni por ~, by no means. aspaviento m. fuss: ¿por qué haces tanto ~? , why do you make such a great fuss? aspecto 1 m. appearance, look: un hombre de ~ feroz , a fierce-looking man. 2 fig. as- pect: bajo ese ~, from that point of view. aspereza f. roughness. áspero, ra 1 adj. rough, rugged. 2 harsh. aspersión f. sprinkling; spraying. aspiración 1 f. M eD inhalation, breathing in. 2 aspiration: su más grande ~, his grea- test ambition. aspiradora f. vacuum cleaner. aspirante m. - f. candidate. aspirar 1 v. to inhale. 2 to aspire. aspirina f. aspirin. asqueroso, sa 1 adj. disgusting, nausea- ting, filthy. 2 mean, horrible. 3 m. , f. dirty. asta 1 f. flagpole. 2 horn, antler. asterisco m. asterisk. asteroide m. asteroid. astilla f. splinter; chip. astillar v. to splinter. astringente adj. astringent; binding. astro 1 m. a str heavenly body. 2 {cine} star. astrología f. astrology. astronauta m. - f. astronaut. astronomía f. astronomy. astrónomo m. , f. astronomer. astucia 1 f. shrewdness, cleverness, astute- ness. b) {maña} craftiness, wiliness, cun- ning: la ~ del zorro , the slyness of a fox. 2 {ardid} ruse, trick: una ~, a clever trick. astuto, ta adj. {sagaz} astute, shrewd. b) {taimado} wily, crafty, cunning, sly. asno / donkey No confunda la palabra asistir en español (que se dice attend en inglés) con assist en inglés (que significa ayudar en español).