
adscribir 1 irr. v. [conj. 52] to attach, assign, ascribe, attribute. 2 adscribirse to join, become a member. adscrito, ta adj. attached; see adscribir . ADSL m. C omp broadband. aduana f. customs. aduanero, ra adj. customs. aduanero m., f. customs officer. aducir irr. v. [conj. 11] to aduce; to put forward. adueñarse v. to take possession. adulador, ra adj. flattering. adulador m., f. flatterer. adular v. to flatter. adulteración 1 f. {alimentos} adulteration. 2 {infor- mación} falsification. adulterar 1 v. to adulterate. 2 to falsify. adulterino, na adj. born of adultery. adulterio m. adultery. adúltero, ra 1 adj. adulterous. 2 m. adulterer. 3 f. adulteress. adulto, ta 1 adj. adult. 2 mature. 3 m., f. adult. adusto, ta adj. {persona} austere, severe; {paisaje} grim, harsh. advenedizo, za adj. foreign, from outside. advenedizo 1 m., f. socialclimber. 2 foreigner,outsider. advenimiento m. advent, arrival: ~ al trono, acces- sion to the throne. adventista adj. also m., f. R elig Adventist. adverbio m. adverb. adversario, ria adj. opposing, rival. adversario m., f. adversary, opponent. adversidad f. adversity, misfortune; setback, mishap. adverso, sa adj. adverse. advertencia 1 f. warning. 2 advice. advertir 1 irr. v. [conj. 42] to warn: te advierto que no vayas , I warn you not to go. 2 to notice: advertí un error en la carta , I noticed a mistake in the letter. adviento m. R elig Advent. adyacente adj. adjacent. aeración f. aeration. aéreo adj. air, aerial: correo ~ , air mail; fuerza ~ , air force. aeróbico, ca 1 adj. aerobic. 2 aerobics pl. aerobics. aerobio m. B iol aerobe. aerobús m. airbus. aerodeslizador m. hovercraft. aerodinámica f. aerodynamics. aerodinámico, ca 1 adj. aerodynamic. 2 streamlined. aeródromo m. aerodrome. aeroespacial adj. aerospace. aerógrafo m. airbrush. aerolínea f. airline. aerolito m. meteorite; shooting star. aeromodelismo m. model airplane building. aeromodelo m. model airplane. aeromozo m., f. flight attendant. aeronauta m., f. aeronaut. aeronáutica f. aeronautics. aeronave 1 f. airplane, airliner. 2 {dirigible} airship. aeronavegación f. air navigation. aeroplano m. airplane. aeropostal adj. airmail. aeropuerto m. airport. aerosol m. aerosol, spray can: desodorante en ~, spray deodorant. aerostática f. aerostatics. aeróstato m. balloon, aerostat. aerotransportado, da adj. airborne. aerotransportar v. to airlift. aerovía f. airway. afabilidad f. affability. afable adj. affable. afamado, da adj. famous. afán 1 m. eagerness. 2 effort. 3 coll. C ol hurry: tener ~, to be in a hurry. afanado, da 1 adj. in a hurry. 2 worried. afanar 1 v. to rush. 2 afanarse to worry. 3 loc.: ~ en/ por , to strive to. afasia f. M ed aphasia. afear v. to make ugly, disfigure. afección f. complaint, disease: ~ hepática, liver com- plaint or disease. afectación f. affectation. afectar 1 v. to affect. b) to feign. 2 L aw to encumber; to mortgage. afectivo, va adj. emotional: vida ~, emotional life; valor ~ , sentimental value. afecto, ta adj. fond, affectionate. afecto m. affection, fondness: tomarle ~ a algn., to be- come attached to sb. afectuoso, sa adj. affectionate. afeitadora f. electric razor, electric shaver. afeitada f. shave. afeitar 1 v. to shave; {barba} to shave off. 2 afeitarse to shave; to shave off. afeite m. cosmetics, make-up. afelpado, da adj. velvety. afeminado, da adj. effeminate. aferrar 1 irr. v. [conj. 1] to grasp, grip. 2 to anchor. 3 aferrarse to cling, hang on: ~se a la vida , to cling to life. afianzar 1 v. to strengthen, secure; to consolidate. 2 to guarantee, vouch for. 3 afianzarse to become consolidated. afiche m. poster. afición 1 f. liking, inclination. 2 hobby. 3 S pt fans, en- thusiasts: la ~ , the fans. aficionado, da 1 adj. fond of, keen of. 2 amateur. aficionado 1 m., f. enthusiast; lover . 2 fan, supporter. 3 amateur. aficionarse v. to take a liking to sth. áfido 1 m. aphid. afilado, da adj. sharp. afilador 1 m., f. knife grinder. 2 sharpener. afilar v. to sharpen; to grind. afiliación f. affiliation: ~ a un sindicato, union mem- bership. afiliado, da 1 m., f. member. afiliar 1 v. ~ a algn. a algo, to enroll sb. as a member of sth. 2 afiliarse to affiliate to, join, to become a member. afín adj. akin, similar; {persona} related. afinación f. tuning. afinador m., f. tuner. afinar 1 v. M us to tune. 2 {automóvil} to tune up. 3 to refine; {puntería} sharpen, make more precise. afinidad f. affinity. afirmación 1 f. statement, assertion. 2 affirmation. afirmar 1 v. to affirm, state declare. 2 to make secure, strengthen. 3 loc.: ~ con la cabeza, to nod (the head). afirmativa f. affirmative answer. afirmativo, va adj. affirmative. aflicción f. affliction, grief, sorrow. afligido, da adj. upset; grieving, saddened. afligir 1 v. to sadden, distress. 2 to afflict. 3 afligirse to get upset. aflojar v. to loosen; to slacken; to unclench. afloramiento m. outcrop. 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z adscribir